Gallery Exhibition Agreement

A Gallery Exhibition Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re an artist looking to showcase your work in a gallery, chances are you`ll need to sign a gallery exhibition agreement. Galleries use these agreements to outline the terms and conditions of the exhibition, including important details like the duration of the show, the commission split between the artist and the gallery, and any associated fees or costs.

As an artist, it`s important that you understand the terms of the gallery exhibition agreement before signing on the dotted line. Here`s a breakdown of some of the key elements you should look out for:

Duration of the Exhibition

The duration of the exhibition refers to the length of time that your work will be on display in the gallery. Typically, exhibitions last for a few weeks to a few months, depending on the gallery`s schedule and the popularity of the show. Make sure you`re clear on the start and end dates of the exhibition, as well as any important deadlines for submitting artwork or promotional materials.

Commission Split

The commission split refers to the percentage of the sale price that the gallery will take as their fee for selling your work. This can range anywhere from 20% to 50% or more, depending on the gallery and the nature of the exhibition. Make sure you`re comfortable with the commission split before agreeing to the exhibition, as it will affect your profits from any sales made during the show.

Fees and Costs

There may be additional fees or costs associated with the exhibition, such as shipping fees, installation costs, or promotional expenses. Make sure you understand who is responsible for covering these costs before signing the agreement. You don`t want to be hit with unexpected expenses later on that could eat into your profits.


Some gallery exhibition agreements may include a clause that requires you to sell your work exclusively through the gallery during the duration of the exhibition. This means you won`t be able to sell your work elsewhere or promote it through other channels. If exclusivity is a concern for you, make sure you discuss it with the gallery before signing the agreement.

Copyright and Reproduction

Make sure the gallery exhibition agreement outlines the terms of copyright and reproduction rights for your work. You should retain full ownership of the copyright to your work, but the agreement may grant the gallery certain reproduction rights for promotional purposes.


It`s important to make sure your work is insured while it`s on display in the gallery. The gallery should have their own insurance policy that covers damages or theft, but it`s worth double-checking with the gallery to make sure your work is fully protected.

In conclusion, a gallery exhibition agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of your exhibition. Make sure you carefully review the agreement before signing, paying close attention to key elements like duration, commission split, fees and costs, exclusivity, copyright and reproduction, and insurance. By understanding the terms of the agreement, you`ll be better equipped to showcase your work and protect your interests as an artist.

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